
Nic Hampton
Treehouse The Science of Learning
Craig Dennis
Treehouse Ally Oops
Clarissa Peterson
Clarissa Peterson Code is Not Neutral: Ethics for Developers
VM (Vicky) Brasseur
Open Source Initiative PHP: People Helping People
Samantha Quiñones
Lost in the Lobby
Cal Evans
E.I.C.C., Inc. Uncle Cal's Career Advice for Developers
Multiple Presenters
concrete5 concrete5 show-n-tell
concrete5 Ways to deploy - Workshop
Sammy Powers
SammyK Media Going Bare - Writing The Web Without A Framework
Ann Gaffigan
National Land Realty Going from Developer to Stakeholder
Dave Stokes
Oracle MySQL without the SQL
Ashley Hutson
McGraw-Hill Education Only Take What You Need GraphQl in PHP
Adam Culp
Rogue Wave Release Your Refactoring Superpower
Alan Storm
Pulse Storm The Evolution of Magento Module Development
Liam Wiltshire
Tebex RegEx is Your Friend
Jessica Mauerhan
Help Scout Double Loop: TDD & BDD Done Right
Matthieu Napoli
mnapoli.fr Serverless PHP applications
James Vasile
Open Tech Strategies Field Guide To Open Source Project Archetypes
Michael Cullum
SamKnows Machine Learning and Trend Analysis in PHP
Adam Englander
TransUnion Building Secure Applications: Threat Modeling for Dummies
Tiberius Hefflin
GoBoldly The Monster on the Project
Demin Yin
Glu Mobile Massively Scaled High Performance Web Services with PHP
Miro Svrtan
Null Development Intro to EventSourcing and CQRS
Tim Lytle
PhoneBurner Yak Free API Tip & Tricks You Can Use Right Now
Ian Littman
Cloudy Hills (Ab)using process control for powerful CLI applications
Heidi Roberts
Motion Therapy Is Your Chair Killing You? How To Reverse The Negative Effects Of The Sitting Disease
Margaret Staples
Twilio Simplified Continuous Integration with Jenkins
Tobias Nyholm
Happyr Symfony 4 internals
Andrew Embler
PortlandLabs So, you want to be an Open Source Hero?
Randall Bollig
Code Knights, Inc. Deep Dive into Let's Encrypt
Joe Ferguson
MinistryBrands Maintaining Homestead
Steve Grunwell
Liquid Web Code Review: For Me & You
Matt Trask
OpenSky Building to spec - the OpenAPI Spec and PHP
Jerry Hargrove
Lucid Software Machine Learning on AWS (for Noobs) with PHP
Patrick Schwisow
Skillshare 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Composer